Props are used for many things in Mardi Gras. One of the big things they are used for is decorating floats, road and stores around the parade. They stores us them to show some of the stuff they sell and to make the store look good for the parade. They put many props all around the road so people can take pictures with them with them. The amount of props they put everywhere is crazy they put so many on the roads and on the building around the roads. The bigger props they put on the roads and sidewalks and the smaller and lighter up the buildings and on walls all around.
Now the props they use for the floats are much more detailed than any of the road and sidewalk props. People spend a lot of time on the props for the floats. Much more time then they spend on the road and sidwalk props. The time they spend on the props for the floats with all the detail and colors they put on it can make a floats take months. But after the floats are done then they look way better than anything at the parade. People love to see the the floats and all the props around. Many people say that they go for the decarations and the meaning behind the parade. Homepage