In 1857 the first Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans was celebrated during that celebration there were only two floats. The two floats were borrowed from Mobile, Alabama's New Year's Eve parade. Floats are more that just people carriers. They are at best a moving theater or works of art that tell a story. "Theme floats" illustrate the subject of the parade. There are set floats that are in the front of the parade they are the "signature floats". The signature floats are some of the best that have shown up in the parade.
The King Float is one of the signature floats its in Mardi Gras every year. The King Float first showed up in Mardi Gras for the first time in 1926. But didn't become a signature float until many years later. The parade must have a minimum of 14 floats for the celebration. But usally they have between 45 and 55 floats for the parade. Homepage